The most recent test was of the new RS Fire Shield™ product. An RS pole protected with an RS Fire Shield was embedded in a forest in northern Canada for a controlled burn exercise. The area was ignited to start the controlled forest fire and the fire, with temperatures reaching nearly 1,000 degrees Celsius, engulfed the pole for approximately 30 seconds and spread past it. The RS pole, made of fiberglass and resin, self-extinguished after the fire passed, and the RS Fire Shield, although slightly charred, retained its structural strength and stiffness.
“This real-world wildfire test reinforces that RS poles and Fire Shields™ are a proven solution for utilities dealing with high fire risk environments,” stated Howard Elliott, president and CEO of RS. “The temperature and speed of this forest fire have demonstrated that the fire testing protocols used by RS— including the duration times for both severe and extreme fire conditions—are scientifically representative. RS looks forward to continuing to lead the industry with this type of applied research and product deployment.”