R&D programs at colleges and universities around the world are where composite innovation blossoms. Students can create life-changing applications using composite materials and, with the help of industry leaders, put these applications into practice.
Nearly two-thirds of academic research and development dollars support basic research, according to a recent Science and Engineering Indicators report from the National Science Foundation. While basic research...
Omni Tanker is in the enviable position of global demand exceeding its production capabilities. As the company expanded into aerospace and hydrogen transport applications, leadership realized that action was...
Researchers at Swinburne University of Technology and teams from Sparc Technologies and Composite Materials Engineering are creating smart composites that can save lives and save money by detecting structural...
The world’s largest polymer 3D printer is housed at the University of Maine’s Advanced Structures and Composites Center (ASCC). Researchers at the center are now working to use the printer to build...
Affordable housing is needed in rural communities, and a team of researchers from Auburn University, in partnership with researchers from the University of Idaho, are developing an innovative solution to the...
A water-soluble novel polymer designed by researchers at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) binds silica sand for 3D-printing for molds, prototypes, and part production in industries such as...