Last year, CRTC signed a memorandum of understanding with Toray Composites America (TCA). TCA’s primary role is to provide the supply of scrap carbon fiber materials for CRTC products including the park benches. CRTC will also work with local sculptor Bob Stokes, who has never worked with composites before.

The back and seat of the benches will be cured in an oven, while the legs will be compression molded with CRTC’s water jet technology.  Larsen says the benches can be assembled onsite in roughly ten minutes.

The bench is the company’s second product since its launch in 2015. Last year, the company released recycled aerospace-grade pickleball paddles. Larsen believes the success of the benches could lead to other markets, including carbon fiber cables and chairs. The company also plans to release two more products before the end of the year.