The latest innovation from Teijin Aramid’s long relationship with premium motorsport safety equipment producer OMP Racing is a custom-made protective motor racing suit designed for Envision Virgin Racing. Using Teijinconex™ neo fibers, the suit offers drivers outstanding light weight protection. Electric vehicles run on heavy batteries, so every bit of lightweighting helps the team’s performance. 

Safety and comfort are the crucial components of a motor racing suit, and the new suit designed for Envision delivers on both needs. Most racing suits are comprised of three layers. Due to the excellent protective qualities provided by Teijinconex™, the new suit is only two layers. The outer layer does not burn or melt when exposed to temperatures of up to 400° Celsius. The suit is 10% lighter than suits worn in the past, offering more comfort and better movement for the Envision drivers. 

The Envision Virgin Racing Formula E Team is also concerned with environmental safety, and Teijinconex™ is produced under the European Chemicals Agency’s REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals) standards.